PLC Dress Code/Guidelines

PLC Dress Code/Guidelines


  1. No hats and/or other head coverings including hooded sweatshirts, bandanas, sweatbands, or do-rags worn inside of building.
  2. No items advertising alcoholic beverages, tobacco, narcotics, profane language, weapons, and/or offensive material
  3. Sunglasses may not be worn inside of building
  4. No wearing of any items displaying gang symbols
  5. No clothing that is see-through
  6. No sleeveless tops/shirts
  7. No Pajamas or bedroom shoes
  8. No crop top shirts
  9. Shorts/skirts need to be at or below the ends of fingertips.
  10. Any jeans with holes above the knee need to be worn with leggings/shorts. 
  11. No leggings unless wearing them under jeans with holes
  12. No sagging pants or may be given belt or zip tie
  13. Cell Phones are not allowed in class
  14. Clear water bottles allowed
  15. No outside food or drinks
  16. No backpacks are taken to class.
*** The school administration reserves the right to prohibit any item of clothing or symbols that are inappropriate or disruptive to the daily operation of the school.